Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New blogs

Hey, here are some new blogs for y'all to check out!

*Musings of a Twig --musingsofatwig.blogspot.com (a friend)

*Comforts of the Heart --comfortsoftheheart.blogspot.com (sister...her travel blog)

*Stepping Heavenward -- heavenly-steps.blogspot.com (ME!! My travel blog!)

*The Left Behind -- theleftbehindgirls.blogspot.com (Bug and little sis...the ones not traveling the globe :D)

read em, enjoy em, laugh and cry! :)


Nobody breathe

Whatever you do, don't breathe, or this may not work any more!! For some beautiful reason, we are now able to post. Let's hear it for Bug and Becca's blessed computer!! :-D Which FINALLY decided to be agreeable!
Well, there is so much to catch up on since the last post. Life has been moving along, slowly at times, but as of late it has been FLYING by at an alarming pace. My sister leaves for her study abroad program in about 15 days. After that i'm sure time will slow down, then speed back up again as I get ready to leave.
I can't think of anything brilliant to say, but still, I shall post regularly now! Yay!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Na 2007

Hey everybody,
Holly posted a few days ago about the New Attitude Conference sermons that you can download for free. I would highly recommend doing so. I finished the last of the 7 sermons yesterday. They are SO amazing! I took tons of pages of notes, and I know I will refer to them often. We all can grow in the area of discernment.

Well, I finished my first final this morning. Only ONE MORE then i'm done with highschool for good! It's so weird to be thrust into a completely new peer group. Sometimes weird peer group, sometimes veiwed as rebellious, sometimes seen as the bright young generation that will change this country. For better or worse, i'm not really sure which. If most college age students are like those here at this college, we should be afraid. Very afraid. This generation is turning out weak-spined, politically correct, liberal, tolerant adults. Besides the fact that 95% of them smoke and drink, never you mind how old they are. Underage drinking doesn't matter once you are in college. You're an adult once you start calling your teachers "Professors" and you are automatically mature once you can walk out of class and never return any time you wish. Nobody cares about homework, and only once during the term does every single student enrolled for the class actually show up. And that's final's week. Ipods and cellphones get more attention then the lecture does. "Do as little as possible. Just enough to get by" is probably the motto of this generation. Forget learning. Forget applying yourself. The reason you are in this class is to squeeze out a C if possible. Since when did a "C" become a passing grade? In highschool, tears and frustration followed receiving such a low score, but now it's become the goal for most students. Forget the "A". And the "B". What's the lowest score I can get and still pass? A "C". So students spend more time figuring out how little they can do, then on homework. Ok, you can skip 5 classes, not turn in 6 homework assignments, and bomb at least 2 quizzes, and you've got a pass. Yay. Welcome to college.

-becca- ;-)

Friday, June 08, 2007

Have you been walking on a surface that’s uncertain

Have you helped yourself to everything that’s empty

You can’t live,

This way too long,

There’s more than this,

More than this

Have you been standing on your own feet too long

Have you been looking for a place where you belong

You can rest,

You will find rest

Let this old life crumble,

Let it fade,

Let this new life offered be your saving grace,

Let this old life crumble let it fade,

Let it fade

Have you been holding on to what this world has offered

Have you been giving in to all these masquerades it will be gone,

It will be gone

Are you carrying the weight too much,

Are you running from the call

Saturday, June 02, 2007

New Attitude Conference

I’ve never been…but I plan to go someday! The New Attitude Conference is a weeklong conference started by Joshua Harris for Christian teens and young married couples. This year the conference was attended by 3,000 people this last week! Well, you may wonder why in the world you even CARE about this, but….*drumroll*…ALL of the lectures during this conference are FREE to download! I highly recommend you do so…I downloaded all of them and have already listened to three! They’re very powerful, let me assure you! The topic for the seminar was “Discernment”. The list of speakers and they’re topics are as follows:

Joshua Harris: Discernment

Mark Dever: Discern Your Doctrine

Albert Mohler: Discern your Culture

C.J. Mahaney: Discern Your Heart

Eric Simmons: Discern the Grey matter

John Piper: Discern what pleases God: Himself

John Piper: Discern what pleases God: Personal Obedience

C.J. Mahaney: Discern how to Apply

All of these men are strong, godly leaders…Their messages are right on! You can download the messages here: http://www.therebelution.com/blog/2007/05/new-attitude-messages-available-for-dowload/
However…since I know it takes forever to download all of these messages I am willingly offering to burn anyone a CD if you want one….Just leave a comment or drop me an email and I’ll get you a disk as soon as possible! (Tips Accepted) ;)

In Christ-


<"...But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I've lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him. I want to know Him!">

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Emotional Purity I

Today we start a new topic under the “guys” series. A very important topic. If you’ve never considered the importance of emotional purity then listen up. As girls we are more naturally dependant than guys. However, we tend to throw that dependence in the wrong direction, namely, at guys. How have we become dependant? I can come up with many ways, but I’d just like to highlight this one: We become dependant on guys when we let our worth be founded in them.

Our emotions and feelings aught to be grounded upon the knowledge that we are created and loved by GOD… NOT that you have a string of guys who are head-over-heels-for-you. Is that your identity? Is that where your worth comes from? Sadly, many girls cling to that as their confidence. “I must be okay because so-and-so likes me…” But what if no one seems to appreciate you? Let me tell you what happens….if your confidence and security is founded on the recognition of guys and not on God then you’re in for trouble. Why? Simple fact: Girls go frantic if they are not loved. We were MADE with that inner NEED to be loved. However, if we search for it in the wrong places, desperation hits. Girls destroy themselves with eating disorders and other frenzied attempts to somehow be WORTH something if they feel they are unloved!

Well….good news…those feelings of despair are completely unnecessary. It is simply essential that you look in the right place. Don’t look to guys to satisfy your need for love. Look to God! He MADE you and LOVES you! But we all know that…right? Or is that assurance simply something you hold in your head and never let it reach your heart? Can you really say with confidence that it does not MATTER what guys think about you because the love of the LORD JESUS CHRIST is sufficient?
Ladies...STOP trying to fulfill your need for love in the acceptance of guys! God is all you need. He is your portion. He has enough love and more to fill your every longing. During these years as teenagers we are setting the pattern for the rest of our lives. Make it your habit to go to God FIRST. Don’t search after the praise of men….I can promise you, you will come up empty and be more desperate than before.

I know most of you reading this blog are strong Christian women. However, this is an area where we all struggle. If you do struggle with seeing your worth as only what guys make of you, remember: Christ loved you enough to die for you. He bought your soul. He ransomed you from eternal death. He granted you everlasting life. That’s a bit more than any guy I know can claim! Wouldn’t you rather have the everlasting, unending love of the King of the Universe? HE is worthy of your heart. Anchor your confidence on that rock!

God bless!

P.S. I apologize for slipping away from posting as often as I should…I hope you will find it in your worthy hearts to forgive me!

Elisabeth Elliot

I have begun reading "Passion and Purity" by Elisabeth Elliot. The least I can say is that it has impacted me greatly. Every chapter has revelations to me and lines of profound wisdom.

"The greater potential for good, the greater the potential for evil."

The more I studied this statement, the more real it became to me. In severely wrong situations there is a greater potential for standing out in your firm beliefs. When there is a chance for you to shine in your moral beliefs and stand firm in your spiritual convictions. There will be hard choices to make. There will be a great potential for evil. But where there is evil, there is also a chance to do good. There is a chance to be faithful. When such a situation arises...what will you do? Will you realize your options and take the rough but rewarding path? Or will you ignore the ability to rise above the struggles? The choice is solely yours!


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Psalm 18:28-36

One of my favorite Psalms in the Bible

"You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning;
My God turns my darkness into light.
With Your help I can advance against a troop;
With my God I can scale a wall.
As for God, His way is perfect;
The word of the LORD is flawless.
He is a sheild for all who take refuge in Him.
For who is God besides the LORD?
And who is the Rock except our God?
It is God who arms me with strength
And makes my way perfect.
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
He enables me to stand on the heights.
He trains my hands for battle;
My arms can bend a bow of bronze.
You give me your shield of victory,
And Your right hand sustains me;
You stoop down to make me great.
You broaden the path beneath me,
So that my ankles do not turn."

Psalm 20:7-8
"Some trust in chariots
and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm."


Thursday, May 24, 2007

plans, nerves, and prayers

So perhaps you all want to know how my plans are going for Germany thus far! We will get back to EVERYBODY posting (hint hint, byrde and bug) and continuing w/ the topic of emotional purity probably sometime after the weekend! :-)
The other day I went to AAA with my dad to purchase my plane tickets and get some info on safety issues, best routes to take, possibly buying a Rail pass, etc. It all turned out to be way more confusing then I thought it would be. For those of you who don't know, I am going to a Bible school in Germany for 6 months. I have never flown before, much less gone on a trip completely alone. Purchasing tickets has proven to be very complicated because I have to be at the school at a certain time, not a day before or after. We are discussing the various cities I could fly into, whether Zurich or Berlin or Munich or some other place. Whether to take a continous flight just to save me the trouble and nervousness of changing planes. Whether to purchase a Rail pass with however many days I need it for, which is very hard to determine, since I have no idea what I'm going to be doing over Christmas break. Whether to buy a one way ticket because I may go on to England for the duration of the school year, or a round trip ticket. There are so many things to consider, and so many things I could worry myself over. To be honest, there is not a day that goes by where I don't think about how in the world I'm going to make it to school safely. And whenever I see a plane fly by overhead, I think to myself, "that will be me in 4 months. Flying off into the great unknown." :-)
You could pray for me, that I will remain sane and be able to make all the necessary decisions in a timely fashion.
And I have to make tons of packing desicions as well. Which laptop to take, which camera to take, how to keep everything safe as I jump from plane to train to ferry to bus, and all the traveling on the weekends. How to pack all my shoes (lol), winter clothes, church clothes - (including really nice ones for the banquets), and all my CDs. ;-) I may just have to purchase an iPod. hehehe. And all the different money issues, credit cards or travelers checks or such...and then safe places to keep all of that while I run around. Ah.
ok, enough of that. I AM really excited, don't get me wrong!! it's just all very overwhelming! ;-)

Well, back to our AMAZING topic next week!


"All that is necessary for evil to triumph,
is for good men to do nothing."
-Sir Edmund Burke